Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Blog Explosion & Adsense

You may wonder what exactly is traffic exchange programs. Blogexplosion is one of the popular traffic exchange programs. Now, I’m not saying Blogexplosion is bad service. Instead, it helps in getting traffics to your website. However, if you’re putting Adsense on your site it may not be suitable to use such service.
Recently in April 12, Mike Deeringer from the AdSense Publisher Support had stressed the importance of this point.
As many of you already know, our program policies strictly prohibit any means of artificially generating ad impressions or clicks, including third-party services such as paid-to-click, paid-to-surf, auto-surf, and click-exchange programs. These programs offer incentives for users to view web pages or click on ads, resulting in activity that is harmful to our advertisers.
We occasionally receive questions from publishers interested in using traffic exchanges to bring traffic to their site. While these services may help advertise your site, we don’t recommend using them, as they may also result in similar invalid activity.We realize that you may have questions about a specific traffic service and whether it could potentially create invalid impressions or clicks. However, please understand that we’re unable to comment on any particular third-party service.
According to Mike, it didn’t really say which third-party service you shouldn’t use but it is stated implicitly that all type of traffic exchange programs will end up being banned from the big G.
To avoid being banned, think twice before joining any traffic exchange programs.so as far as possible try to stay away from auto-surf programs or traffic exchange programs.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Directory Submitter

One proven way to get traffic to your sites is to get them listed in authoritative directories. Directories are just websites that list and categorize other websites. That's how Yahoo! got its start — it was a big web directory to begin with. There are two benefits to being listed in directories:

you get found by humans browsing for sites on specific topics; and
you get extra search engine juice from the directory links.

The problem is that getting listed in directories is a tedious process. First, you have to find the directories in question. Second, you have to create an account for the directory. Third, you have to submit the details about your site. And you have to track it all. That's why products like Directory Submitter get written, to do away with some (but not all) of the drudgery.

Directory Submitter comes in two editions: Standard and Gold. The Standard edition is completely free and lets you submit sites to 350 different directories. The Gold edition costs $47 (which is cheap compared to Brad's other products) and lets you submit to over 1700 directories. All directories currently listed in either edition are free directories that do not require reciprocal links, which is a big plus. And the directory list is current and maintained by Brad Callen's staff.

Although I've upgraded to the Gold edition, this review is going to use screenshots from the Basic edition.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Blogging Tips

Muhammad Saleem has written on Copyblogger about writing specifically to get some traffic from Digg. Often called Digg bait, the articles sometimes are not the best written, but it is well known that they have to be formulated in a certain way to appeal to the Digg audience.

Writing for Digg is actually less about substance and more about how you present the content—in other words, copywriting. This entails writing the same content that you would normally write, but altering it in a way that doesn’t take away from its essence while making it appealing to the broader Digg audience. This is the kind of content that both your regular readers and potential new readers will appreciate.

Muhammad Saleem is very right in saying that writing for Digg can be a bit like crack (an addictive substance) because the waves of traffic are amazing. The traffic though isn’t the best type though, as they avoid advertisements and rarely comment on the actual article.

Definitely worth a read if you are interested in Digg traffic. There are many posts on Copyblogger where you can find some copy writing tips for Digg and other social media sites.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Adsense - Tips & Trick Part 2

Tip #1: Don't put ads on empty pages.
When I reworked my site, I built a skeleton set of pages that had no content, just titles and some meta tags. I displayed ads on those pages, however. Although all you see are public service ads at first, the very act of displaying ads on a page causes the AdSense web crawler to quickly fetch that page for analysis. A page with good content will thus begin showing relevant paying ads fairly quickly.
If you don't have any content, then, Google will have to guess as what your page is about. It may guess wrong, and so the ads that it displays may not be relevant. You'll have to wait until Google re-crawls the site for the ads to correct themselves. Here is what Google had to say when I asked them about how often the AdSense crawler updates a site:
Thank you for taking the time to update your site. New ads will start appearing on your site the next time our crawler re-indexes your site. Unfortunately at this time, we are unable to control how often our crawlers index the content on your site.
Crawling is done automatically by our bots. When new pages are added to your website or introduced to the AdSense program, our crawlers will usually get to them within 30 minutes. If you make changes to a page, however, it may take up to 2 or 3 weeks before the changes are reflected in our index. Until we are able to crawl your web pages, you may notice public service ads, for which you will not receive any earnings.
It's better to flesh out the page before you start displaying ads on it.

Tip #2: Don't be afraid to ask questions
If you're wondering about something, don't be afraid to ask Google. So far, they've always responded to my questions within a working day. There are two email addresses to use, depending on the type of question:
Please feel free to email us at adsense-tech@google.com if you have additional technical questions or concerns. For general program or account questions, please email adsense-support@google.com.
Their responses are always very polite, and they appreciate getting problem reports and suggestions.

Tip #3: Avoid non-English characters on English pages
This one is a bug, to be honest. My surname is French, and I prefer to write it out correctly with the accent grave on the first "e". Every page on my site would then include at least two accented letters, because my name shows up twice in the footer. On some pages my name shows up two or three more times.
Normally, this wouldn't be an issue. But on some pages the presence of the accented characters is enough to cause AdSense to display non-relevant ads in French. This happens whether the browser indicates a preference for French or not. When I reported this to Google, this is the answer they gave me:

Hello Eric,
Thank you for bringing this issue to our attention.
We are currently working as quickly as we can to address this problem. As soon as we have more information for you, we will email you again.
We appreciate your patience.
The Google Team

Until this is resolved, I've decided to strip out all accents except on the pages that are actually in French.

Tip #4: Check your keyword density
Although Google doesn't release exact details as to how they determine the ads to serve on a given page, they do tell us that it's the text content of the page that matters, not the meta tags. Before serving ads on a page, then, you might want to check its keyword density. A good, free tool for doing this is found here: http://www.ranks.nl/tools/spider.html
This lets you fine-tune the page before exposing it to the AdSense crawler.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Increase Google Page Rank (PR)

Google Page Rank (PR) is a numerical value determined by the importance of the page for Google. Pages are ranked from 0 to 10, where 0 is unknown, and 10 is very important (very few resources, such as Microsoft, Google itself and others, have such rank). The higher your rank is, the higher your page is in Google Search results. The exact algorithm of ranking pages is a secret, but there are some major factors influencing it.The main thing Google crawler relies on while ranking a page is the number and the importance of the inbound links (links to the page from other pages). It's like other pages are voting for you. The higher rank linking page has, the higher its influence on your page rank. So, if your page rank is 3, to increase it to 4 you need either a group of links from 2-3-4 ranked sites, or a couple of links from 7-8 sites.It's also important that influence of a link depends on the quantity of links at the connecting page. So if a page links to you and 3 more pages, its vote is divided to 4, or its influence is 4 times lower than it could be if it only linked to your page.

There are some simple mathematical researches on how PR calculated; you can check webworkshop.net, for example. But usually there's no need for counting links and their importance - for a start-up it's better to act, and for resources with high PR it's impossible to count all the linking pages. The case when counting link's influence can be very helpful is buying links from other pages.If you need your page to be ranked high for an exact keyword or phrase, its better that linking sites will mark you the same way. Like if you'd like to get to the top of Google on "how to cook", you need other pages to link to you as "how to cook" resource.So, increasing your PR means getting a lot of back links, that can be done in following behavior:
1. Submitting to directories.
2. Writing quality content that will make people link to you.
3. Participating in forums (the link can be added in your signature).
4. Exchanging links.
5. Buying links.
6. Spamming.

Spamming is usually putting links to your page in comments section in blogs or in forums. To avoid spamming a webmaster can add "nofollow" tag to HTML code, so the link will still appear on the site, but won't influence linked page PR.Spamming is also a way to decrease a page PR. You simply need to put a lot of comments, with links to spam sites and so on, to a page. This is how some of this blog pages went down in Google - I didn't moderate comments for a long period of time, and, as a effect, got about 100 comments on some of the posts. I suggest you to allow comment moderation at your blog and delete spam comments at once.There are not only inbound links influencing your PR, some other factors, like age of the page, updating frequency, etc, can be important.

There's a couple of nice posts about that at dailyblogtips.com.You should also keep in mind that PR update (it's when Google checks your page rank for the next time) takes place about once in 3 months, so you better make everything necessary before submitting your page to Google to get high PR straight away.

Friday, May 25, 2007

What is SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO), a subset of search engine marketing, is the process of improving the volume and quality of traffic to a web site from search engines via "natural" ("organic" or "algorithmic") search results. Usually, the earlier a site is presented in the search results, or the higher it "ranks," the more searchers will visit that site. SEO can also target different kinds of search, including image search, local search, and industry-specific vertical search engines.

As a marketing strategy for increasing a site's relevancy, SEO considers how search algorithms work and what people search for. SEO efforts may involve a site's coding, presentation, and structure, as well as fixing problems that could prevent search engine indexing programs from fully spidering a site. Other, more noticeable efforts may include adding unique content to a site, and making sure that the content is easily indexed by search engines and also appeals to human visitors.

The term SEO can also refer to "search engine optimizers," a term adopted by an industry of consultants who carry out optimization projects on behalf of clients, and by employees who perform SEO services in-house. Search engine optimizers may offer SEO as a stand-alone service or as a part of a broader marketing campaign. Because effective SEO may require changes to the HTML source code of a site, SEO tactics may be incorporated into web site development and design. The term "search engine friendly" may be used to describe web site designs, menus, content management systems and shopping carts that are easy to optimize.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

How to Optimize Adsense

For starters, to make good money from Google Adsense™ you need to optimize your website with top paying keywords. For Google™ to know what ads to serve up on your site, it has to send a robot (software with specific instructions) to inspect your site and know what it is all about. On the foundation of the outcome obtained from that, Google™ will go further on and serve you with ads that match your site's content.

This is where the much talked about top paying keywords come in. If the theme of your website is centered on a certain topic for example PPC Theme, Google™ will serve ads on your site concerning to pocket pc. So all you need to do is to find the top paying keywords for your forte and optimize them for your site. By optimizing I mean using the keywords in your heading, description and body.

There are speculations as to what criteria Google™ uses to serve high paying keywords. Some say it is the age of you website, the older the better, some say the attractiveness, the upper the position the better. The example here is that do not think that all you need to do is to seize high paying keywords, use them to optimize your website and you will get high paying clicks. It takes more than that. And if that was the case, belief me, we could all be displaying high cost ads on our sites and earning thousands, but unfortunately it is not the case.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Adsense Keyword Optimization - Hints

For starters, to make good money from Google Adsense™ you need to optimize your website with top paying keywords. For Google™ to know what ads to serve up on your site, it has to send a robot (software with specific instructions) to inspect your site and know what it is all about. On the foundation of the outcome obtained from that, Google™ will go further on and serve you with ads that match your site's content.

This is where the much talked about top paying keywords come in. If the theme of your website is centered on a certain topic for example PPC Theme, Google™ will serve ads on your site concerning to pocket pc. So all you need to do is to find the top paying keywords for your forte and optimize them for your site. By optimizing I mean using the keywords in your heading, description and body.

There are speculations as to what criteria Google™ uses to serve high paying keywords. Some say it is the age of you website, the older the better, some say the attractiveness, the upper the position the better. The example here is that do not think that all you need to do is to seize high paying keywords, use them to optimize your website and you will get high paying clicks. It takes more than that. And if that was the case, belief me, we could all be displaying high cost ads on our sites and earning thousands, but unfortunately it is not the case.

Optimise Adsense Income

How to maximise your AdSense profits
9 factors determine how much profit you will make from your AdSense participation.

How much traffic your site gets

How many pages on your site host AdSense ads

What the click thru rate from each page is

What the value of each click is

How many ads appear on each page

Where these ads are located

What format these ads are in - size, location, layout and color scheme

Google's fractional pay out rate

How much of your site's traffic is from new as opposed to repeat visitors.

To maximise your site's profits from AdSense you ideally should optimise all these factors. However, one is entirely out of your control: Google's fractional payout rate. This is the percentage of the revenue that Google earns from a click that it passes on to you.

Google doesn't at present reveal this but you could theoretically run an experiment to find out what the exact percentage is. (I'll tell you how when you sign up for the AdSense Insider course - there's a form at the bottom of this page).

Optimising all these factors could take some time so what you should focus on initially are the factors that are going to work in your favor most quickly with the minimum effort.

However I'm going to cover all the ones you can influence here for you.

1. Getting more site traffic
Getting more traffic is an art and a science. The best traffic is traffic that comes from search engines because it is free and because people who come to your site from a search engine are actively looking for things, they are not casually browsing around. They have a search mission in their head.

The tricks of the trade are:

search engine optimisation
using pay per click advertising, such as AdWords (but there is no point in paying more to Google to advertise your site than you earn in overall long-term revenue from it)
posting your link on forums - these effectively give you free links back to your site which helps you with the process of climbing up the search engine ladder
using viral marketing techniques to inform the world about your site
using offline advertising to drive traffic to your site - but give people a reason to visit it, don't just print your web address everywhere
using ezines to remind people about your site from time to time
include your web address in all your email correspondence
All these subjects are covered in more detail in the AdSense Insider Tutorial.

2. Increasing the number of pages that host AdSense ads
This is easy: you just paste the code that Google gives you to activate AdSense into all the pages you want. Google lets you use a range of different formats for ads and you don't need to use the same format on every page. In fact you can change the color scheme, shape and size of the ads on each page.

There are some restrictions though: you can't run more than one block of ads on a single page for example.

3. Increasing the click thru rate from your page
What you can't do is place big bold words around the ads saying "Click these ads to make me some money". In fact you are not allowed to say anything on your site that will actively encourage clicks. However, what you can do is write copy on your site that makes the products or services being advertised become more interesting to the reader. For example, suppose you host a page about casinos. If you write copy that explains why casinos are such fun, and how you can pit your wits against professional gamblers the world over in total confidentiality, and how you can try a casino out in total safety and with zero risk by visiting some of the best online casinos in the world, you will naturally arouse the interest of your reader. Now if your copy is clearly about casinos, AdSense will spot this and post ads about casinos on that page. In fact there is a risk that AdSense will post a casino ad on this page because I have mentioned the word casino quite a few times - we'll see what happens.

4. Increasing the value per click
The way to do this is to increase the quantity and quality of information on your site related to products and services that are of high commercial value on the internet.

This is not as simple as thinking, for example, that jewellery is a high ticket item, therefore you should write a page about jewellery because not that much jewellery is sold online. You really need to spot high profit items that sell well over the internet because these are things that advertisers will pay a lot to advertise. If they pay a lot to advertise, the likelihood is that any related AdSense ads will come with a high click through price.

But you can't just think that, for example, casinos are highly advertised so I'll post a page about casinos: it really has to be relevant to your overall site for two reasons:

If your site is about AdSense and you write a page about casinos, no one on your site is going to be particularly interested unless you are very lucky so the click through rate will be low.
Google prohibits you from writing pages solely to host ads - although it's a judgement call by Google as to whether your pages are solely to earn AdSense revenues or not.
What you can and should do is think laterally about what topics are related to your site that have a commercial value. You run a site about bird-watching, then host some travel pages about how to get to bird-watchers' paradise on a far away Pacific Island. These will probably show travel ads which will give you a reasonably good pay out - and just as importantly they will be relevant to your visitor and so will enhance the overall experience he / she gets from your site, so they'll come back again.

5. Optimising how many ads appear on your page
Google now provides 6 different ad formats. One format allows you to post just a single ad on your site, one allows 5 ads and most allow 4 that read from right to left, or from top to bottom.

Guess what: if you choose the format that shows up 5 ads, you will probably get more clicks than if you show 1. It is not necessarily true, but usually will be. But not all ads will earn you the same revenue - it will depend on Google's complex real time bid pricing algorithm that it uses to set your AdWords click thru price.

6. Optimising the location of the ads
People tend to read from left to right and the eye is trained to do this early on in life (actually some people read the other way round but not English language readers.) They also read from top to bottom.

This process lays emphasis on ads at the beginning and end of a page so don't place them in the middle. There's also a neat trick you can exploit that uses the psychology of reading to help you tip the balance a bit more in your favor - I go into the details in the AdSense Insider's course.

7. Selecting the best format for these ads
With a range of formats available, your first decision is to see which format will fit best into your existing website design. You really don't want to re-jig the whole thing if you can avoid it. Google lets you choose a vast range of color options too and there are two approaches you can adopt:

display your ads in your site's colors so that they fit in well
display your ads in strikingly contrasting colors so that they get noticed more
What you choose to do will depend on the nature of your site, and don't forget that a click on an ad, whilst it will make you some money, will lose you a visitor: don't let the tail wag the dog.

8. How much of your site's traffic is from new as opposed to repeat visitors.
People new to your site will be new to the ads on your site which means they won't already have looked at them and decided to click or not. Generally speaking, people often respond to ads once they've seen them a few times but if they don't at that stage, they probably never will. So your ideal traffic is people who visit your pages a few times. There's a great way of getting people to do this - find out about it in the Tutorial. If your site gets endless repeat visitors you should expect your revenues to peak shortly after you implement AdSense and then decline over time - unless you take active steps to generate more traffic.

Why did Google launch AdSense?

Google has always wanted to make money - it is a business after all largely owned by Venture Capitalists. But Google's fundamental philosophy has been about helping people find the information they want on the web without cluttering up the process with a bazillion ads that flashed and blinked everywhere. So they started off developing AdWords on the basis that they were discrete, text-only and RELEVANT to the searcher. You rarely see AdWords ads that are of no relevance to you - partly because any vaguely smart advertiser won't want to waste time targeting unlikely customer bases, and more significantly, because web users can effectively vote off irrelevant ads: an AdWords ad that fails to get a decent click thru rate (0.5%) gets shoved into hibernation by Google.

AdWords thus enabled Google to make money whilst remaining largely faithful to their philosophy - ads were small and useful and relevant. So then they began to think about expanding the program to third party sites, sites that in many cases were already using Google as a search tool. It made sense to do this because it increased Google's revenues without detracting from the user experience. Initially Google worked with major partner sites and once this all worked fine, they broadened out the program to AdSense - to exploit the commercial opportunities created by their excellent search technology.

Adsense Know How

Top AdSense Tips:
1. Niche SitesTargeted niche sites that have a clear theme, tend to generate more advertising revenue simply because it is easier to achieve decent search engine placement. Be warned though, you want to chose a niche where there is a sufficient number of advertisements available.

2. Target KeywordsWhen determining the site's focus, consider how much the advertisers pay for the advertisements. If the site is focused on ringtones, like Ringtone Central , the payout per click is going to be very small. Because ringtones are not high ticket items, advertisers will not spend a lot on pay-per-click advertisements. With less obvious markets, use Overture to determine how much advertisers pay per keyword. The cost will usually be similar on Google. Search Overture for a keyword then click "View Advertisers' Max Bids" in the top right corner. This will show the Overture inventory and how much is paid per keyword. Because the market has become very competitive, it will be difficult to rank well in search engines with a new Web site that is optimized for the terms that have the highest payout. Consider targeting terms that are moderately priced.

3. Aged Sites / TimeOver time, as a Web site is spidered by Google, advertisements will generally increase in relevance. In general, older Web sites will rank better in search engines. The closer the advertisements relate to the Web page's content, the higher the "click-through" the publishers will see.

4. CodingIn order to minimize a Web site's maintenance, place the Google generated AdSense code in the Web site template or an "include" file. This will allow you to easily experiment with different advertisement sizes and ad placement, and keep the Web maintenance to a minimum.

5. Tracking ChannelsIn order to know how effective a specific Web site or ad placement is, use distinct channels and subchannels within Google. This will allow you to discern what performs best on a specific Web site. Using channels will tell you what sites are making money, what advertisements are making money and what ad position is the most profitable on a specific Web site. Keep in mind that you should run an advertisement for a full week, in order to properly test its effectiveness, different days of the week will vary the Web traffic so comparing one week to another will give the most accurate reflection of how effective a campaign performs. When testing different advertisement sizes, placement or color schemes, be sure to leave campaigns in place for one week. Different days will often result in Web traffic fluctuations. Comparing Web traffic week to week will give a clear indication of what ad formats perform the best.

· Integrated Ad PlacementMany webmasters have been successful at integrating advertisements into a Web site. The easiest way to integrate an advertisement into a Web site is to remove the advertisement border. This will allow the ads to better blend with the Web page. Google recommends contrasting the link colors with the Web site colors to increase click-throughs. It is also suggested that webmasters randomize the color of the advertisements, so that frequent users will not naturally "filter" the ads.
example of integrated ad placement: http://www.golf-clubhouse.net/ or http://www.security-protection.net

· Number vs Value of AdvertisementsUp to three advertisements can be listed on each page.
· Hot SpotsLike Web copy, "above the fold" holds true with AdSense as well. This means that advertisements that appear without having to scroll will be read more frequently. Hot Spots are areas on a Web page that result in a higher percentage of click-throughs. According to Google, the highest paying advertisements are located on the hot spots.
hot spots map - http://www.small-business-software.net/heat-map.htm
Google does not indicate if image advertisements or text ads perform better, so webmasters are encouraged to experiment with both.
· Highest performing Ad SizesAccording to Google the 336 x 280 rectangle, the 300 x250 rectangle and the 160 x 600 sky scraper result in the highest number of click-throughs. Depending on the website's design and layout, publishers may experience different results with different ad sizes, placements and color schemes. Expirement and track the results for each website to maximize the AdSense payout.

Tools to Blog Part 2

More Blogging tools, check out the new list. Some are quite ineteresting and can spice up your blogs. Try it!.
Blogger - Free service from Google allows blog posting. Easy-to-use web site, where you can quickly post thoughts, interact with people, and more.
WordPress - An easy and powerful way to start blogging.
Windows Live Space - Share your stories with blogs! Customize. Express yourself with colorful themes and gadgets! Safety. Select who you want to connect with.
FeedForAll / RSS2HTML - For bloggers who want to retain complete control over their online journal and the way it is displayed. Create RSS feeds and use rss2html to display them.
TypePad - Blogging service for small business; it's easy to use and allows you to create your blog in minutes.
BlogStream - Online hosted blogging service.
Drupal - A content management and discussion engine suitable to setup or build a content driven or community driven web site.
MovableType - Offering personal publishing software for the blog generation.
Blosxam - Open source blog application designed from the ground up with simplicity, usability, and interoperability in mind.
Audblog - Service that provides bloggers with the ability to post audio to their blogs from any phone.
Blogjet - Way to blog right from Windows.
tBlog - Free web log publishing tool and templates that allow users to add calendar, search, link management, voting, and commenting modules to their sites.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Adsense Factors

10 factors determine how much profit you will make from your AdSense participation.

1/How much traffic your site gets
2/How many pages on your site host AdSense ads
3/What the click thru rate from each page is
4/What the value of each click is
5/How many ads appear on each page
6/Where these ads are located
7/What format these ads are in - size, location, layout and color scheme
8/Google's fractional pay out rate
9/How much of your site's traffic is from new as opposed to repeat visitors.
10/How valuable Google regards your site.

Adsense will based on the above measurement for that particualr site payout. Seems like a lot of factor take into play that need to be take into consideration. I will highlight content and page ranking (PR) as the most important factor.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Adsense - Tips & Tricks

Here are some useful tips and tricks that many a top Adsense affiliate earners employ to keep their monthly Adsense income high.

i) Top Adsense affiliate earners will always remember to constitute heir ads gaze as still a belongings of their site as imaginable. Text ads that gaze like just another words link on a site tend to score big in clicks while colorful, beautiful banners that scream "Advertisement" will get the least response in terms of folks clicking on them. This is the sort of data that the top Adsense affiliate earner never forgets.

ii) The top Adsense affiliate earner will tend to concentrate on constantly building up their traffic as the most effective path of increasing their Adsense earnings.
iii) Yet another top Adsense affiliate earner trick is to settle an image, photograph or illustration fair following to their Adsense ad. This tends to attract affliction to it and the result is always many more clicks than before. Some smart top Adsense affiliate earners kill two birds with one stone by placing an beautiful banner ad that has a nice large photograph on it, fair following to their Adsense ads.

iv) The other object that top Adsense affiliate earners do is to carefully read the Adsense ads that are accepted at their site and then generate content that is closely related.

Study them well and apply to your own site.

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Adsense - Improve Your Earnings By 5 Folds

Adsense - Improve Your Earnings By 5 Folds

You may find many Adsense Gurus on the net, offering you thousand ways to improve your Google adsense earnings! Mind you guys, just buying some genius adsense template and expect it to produce thousand dollars a day is a sure impossibility!

I am telling you with my practical experience that nothing would work unless you are prepared to go that extra mile. You should get hold of the adsense secrets that are unique to your site. You must be prepared to make continuous changes and measure effectiveness on a continuous basis.

Following are simple but effective steps successfully followed by the author, which may help you to improve your adsense earnings by five folds or even more! However, keep in mind that nothing would work unless you customize these options to suit your requirements.

The Best Position - This is always the demarcation point which decides you should be earning in hundreds or thousands! You must identify the most likely position where the reader would be most tempted to click. At first you might have to follow what Adsense Gurus have suggested. However, you must keep in mind that what they have said is not unique to your site.

You should be bold enough to do your own research and identify the best positions unique to your site, ‘cos there could be exceptions to what Adsense Experts have proposed. Best example I can quote is ‘Plentyoffish.com’ a dating site which earns half a million Dollars a month just by displaying a single Google ad in each page with completely different link color format than the rest of the site using!

White Is In Demand - Having more white space around the article and the Ad will definitely increase your click through rate. In my case, this is one of the real secrets behind the high click through rate in my Adsense ads. Your objective should be to get the reader’s attention to the Adsense ad and the article. Therefore, it is important to have other areas blank as much as possible to centre reader’s attention to the Ad and the article. Remove all unnecessary items which are cluttered around the article and the Ad and have more white space on either side of the page.

What is Your Ad Size? - Highly effective Ad formats are 336x250 and 768x120. However, it is up to you to find out the best size for your site. These are the widely tested and accepted sizes. Tyr them out and see the outcome.

Be Discreet - I personally don’t prefer to server image ads in my Adsense campaigns because they dilute the effectiveness of the Ads. It is starkly obvious to the reader that they are clicking on Ads and the sole purpose of putting them is to make money! Just don’t make it so obvious! Instead, include text ads which are relevant to the theme. Place the ads where the reader is likely to seek a break while reading the article or your copy.

Artistic Way To Be Discreet - The font, color and texture should match with the rest of the page. This will make the ad looks like part of the article. You have the options to use either an ideally matching color or a contrasting color. Either way is effective.

Use The Maximum but Have a Balance - Always try to use maximum number of adsense ads in each page. Don’t lose balance however! Ads should not dominate the page.

Measure the effectiveness of Ad units - Always make use of Google Adsense channels to identify which position or format has produced high click through rates. Be prepared to change the Ad format, color and position according to your findings. These simple but effective methods surely drive you more income you never ever expect if you are prepared to follow those in your own way. Find out your way out today.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Meta Tags for Search Engine

Meta tags are used to provide extra information about your document that is not visible within content. Some of these meta tags are specifically designed to benefit search engines.

Definitions of Meta tag on the Web:

An HTML tag which provides information about a web document. Unlike regular tags, meta tags do not provide formatting information for the browser. Instead they provide such information as the author, date of creation or latest update for the page, and keywords which indicate the subject matter. Search engines often use keywords from meta tags to index their databases.faculty.valencia.cc.fl.us/jdelisle/lis2004/glossary.htm

A meta tag is a special HTML tag that provides information about a Web page. Unlike normal HTML tags, meta tags do not affect how the page is displayed. Instead, they provide information such as who created the page, how often it is updated, what the page is about, and which keywords represent the page's content. Many search engines use this information when building their indices.www.optimizationconsultants.com/definitions.shtml

Html tag in the header section of a web page, intended to offer content to search engines. Among them are the keyword and description tags, but these days most true search engines de-emphasize or completely ignore META tags.www.accesstoebusiness.com/glossary.htm

An HTML tag that must appear in the portion of the page. Meta tags supply information about a page but do not affect its appearance.www.nt.gov.au/pfes/media/services/internet/im006.html

A specific kind of HTML tag that contains information not normally displayed to the user. Meta tags contain information about the page itself, hence the name ("meta" means "about this subject") Typical uses of Meta tags are to include information for search engines to help them better categorize a page.www.jahadesign.com/glossary.htm

A meta tag is an element of HTML that often describes the contents of a Web page, and is placed near the beginning of the page's source code. Search engines use information provided in a meta tags to index pages by subject.practice.findlaw.com/glossary.html

Special HTML code used on some websites to specify information, such as keywords or descriptions, about the content of a Web page. Meta tags are often used to increase the likelihood that Web crawlers will index a site's pages in their database, thus enhancing the probability that the page will be listed on a search results page.www.marketing.org.nz/emarket_dictionary.php

Information in the body of the html including description and keywords. These tags are often used by the search engines as part of their determination of placement and the description is often displayed in the results.www.cmseo.com/search-engine-terms.htm

Please include Meta Tag if you want your Blog to be index by search engine.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

How to add google sitemap to Blooger Account

You can now add Google sitemap to your blogger.com account and increase your chances of being indexed in Google search engine result. You can add a Sitemap to your account to give Google more information about the pages in your site to help Google crawl them more effectively.

Step # 1: Login to sitemap account
At the top of screen you will see option to add site. Just paste URL of your blog (for example http://idea2empire.blogspot.com/)
Click on Ok button. Next you will get confirmation message. Your site has been added to your account.

Step # 2: Now you need to verify your ownership of blog to view detailed statistics. Click on verify link. Google offers two methods of verification. You can either upload an HTML file with a name we specify (which is not possible with Google Blogger account), or you can add a META tag to your site’s index file. Adding META tag via template code is possible so just select Add a META tag from drop down menu:
It will generate code for you, copy the meta tag and paste it into your blogger.com template section).

Step # 3: Go to your blogger.com and login to your account. Goto your blog > Click on TemplatePaste the META tag code after section:
Click on Save Template changes button
Click on Republish Index only button > Wait for few seconds so that your blog being published successfully.

Step # 4: Now goto sitemap account and click the box that read as follows:
I’ve added the META tag in the home page of http://idea2empire.blogspot.com/. Click on Verify button.

Step # 5: Now your site is added to sitemap account and verification is done. Next you need to add actual sitemap url. Since blogger.com account don't allow you to create a text file or anything else you need to add your site feed (ATOM xml) file as a site map. Click on add a sitemap link:

Step # 6: You can add a Sitemap to your account to provide Google additional information about about your blog. Google will process your Sitemap and provide information on any errors in the Sitemaps tab as well your sitemap will be downloaded everyday to index your blog fast.Select type as : Add General Web sitemap
Paste url of your Atom feed:

For example http://idea2empire.blogspot.com/atom.xml and click on Add Web sitemap:

Update: If you are using a new blogger beta system, use http://yourblogname.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/full as a feed url.

You will get confirmation:You have added a Sitemap to http://idea2empire.blogspot.com/. Reports may take several hours to update. Thank you for your patience!

And you are done and your blog will be now index very fast (depend upon your posting and content).

Monday, May 14, 2007

How to Get Traffic to Your BLOG

Follow the step below and you will see some traffic start to flow in your blog :

.1. Join some Blog Community:You can join like Technorati to improve your blog's popularity.

2. Ping Your Blog:Pinging Service like Project Petaling Street can be use to Ping your blog everytime you update your blog and this will tell all the Bloggers around you about your blog.

3. Leave Comments in other Blogs:Leave a comment and be nice to all Bloggers around you. If they found that you blog is good, they will introduce to their friends and link your blog. Read blogs sincerely and Don't SPAM their blog with a lot of comments. You can ask them questions about the topics they wrote and revisit them as many times as possible. You will slowly build up a blog community around you.

4. Active in your Blog:Post new articles everyday(if possible). Or you can update your blog weekly, depends on the time you spend for your blog. People will come to read your posts, if you always have new and interesting updates, they will come again and again.

Why I Choose Adsense?

Personally after much searching in the net I find that Adsense is the most reliable, user friendly and most secure (in term of payment). Adsense is an advertising program provided by Google. This program enables bloggers to earn revenue/money through their blogs. Adsense provides several types of choices of advertisements such as Adsense For Content, Adsense For Search and Adsense For Referral.Adsense is very user-friendly. The only thing you need to do is, apply an account with Google Adsense, choose the types of advertisement format you desire and copy and paste the code to your blog template. It is just that simple and easy. Now, what you need to do is, wait and earn money when people click on the advertisements shown on your blog.By using Google Adsense, there are no worries about the advertisements that will appear on your blog as Google will manage the advertisements. Adsense robot will frequently visit and index your blog and it will automatically put relevant advertisement on your blog according to the content and post on your blog.Interested? It is simple. So, hesitate no more, Sign Up with Google Adsense today and let your effort of blogging turn into revenues. My account been approved, will post on the results later.

Make Money Online With Google Section Targeting

Google section targeting is an often unused resource for many bloggers. This is no doubt due to the fact that most blog owners don’t even know what section targeting is. If you want to make money online with Google AdSense, then section targeting is something you need to understand and use.

What Is Section Targeting?
Are you having trouble getting Google to show more targeted AdSense ads on your blog? Most of the time, this comes about because the blog content isn’t highly targeted to the keywords you’re after. This is especially true for a blog because the posts can ramble from one topic to the next. Google tries its best to figure out what the general theme of a blog is and serve the most appropriate ads. However, you can help it out by section targeting your content.

Section Targeting allows you to recommend key sections of your article for AdSense to emphasize or downplay when selecting ads for your blog. In other words, instead of having Google spidering your entire page to select AdSense ads, you tell Google which parts of your content to target and which parts to ignore.

How To Use Section Targeting?
The following HTML tags triggers Google AdSense section targeting:
This is the section of text I want Google to use when selecting ads for my blog. All the keywords and key phases should go here and I should stay highly focused on my theme, which is make money online, making money online, make money from a blog, blogging for dollar, root of all evil, John Chow has the best online moneymaking blog on the Internet, etc.

In the above example, Google will use the section of text designated for the targeting of AdSense ads and ignore the rest the article. This is how most sites do section targeting. However, I find it easier to use the weight=ignore tag to tell Google what not to target.
By using the tag on sections of my site that I want Google to ignore I can keep my AdSense ads on target to the theme of my blog. Have a look at your blog and see if their are pages with ads that are not related to what you’re writing about.

The miss-targeted ad could be caused by just a small section of text. By enclosing that section with a section weight=ignore tag, Google will ignore it and use the reminder of your article to target ads. That should put the Google ads back on target.
The weight=ignore tag allows me to ramble about anything I want and still keep the Google ads targeted to the main theme of my blog, which is to make money online. If you want to make more money on your blog then you should take advantage of section targeting

How to Increase Traffic Using Technorati

Some of the way that i find is very usefull to increase traffic to your site.
Here’s how it works:

Use Technorati to find 20-100 blogs that are similar to yours in that they post about the same or complimentary topics that you do.

Visit each blog and find the first name and email address of the person who runs the site.
You can either use your normal email client (Outlook, Thunderbird, Hotmail, etc) or a professional email marketing tool (such as SendStudio) to send out a list of emails. I wouldn’t recommend using your normal email client because you want to send 20-100 emails at a time, and there’s only so many emails you can stuff into your BCC and CC fields.

What you want to do is send each of the bloggers a brief email every time you add a relevant, interesting post to your blog. Something like this:

Hi [First Name],
Just thought I’d shoot you a quick email about a post I just made on my blog. It’s called “Getting Website Traffic the Old School Way” and you can read it here.

I really recommend using each of the bloggers first names in your email if you’re going to do a mass mailing. You don’t want your emails to sound like spam. I also recommend sending your emails as text to avoid formatting problems in web-based email clients which a lot of bloggers use.

There are a few gray spots with this technique - mainly that you’re sending emails to people who haven’t asked to receive them - so if you can, before you start sending out your emails get to know each of the bloggers by sending them an introductory email or by leaving useful comments on their blog. You can also include an unsubscribe link at the bottom of your emails but that makes them seem robotic.

There’s a fine line between sharing a useful blog post and pissing someone off, so keep that in mind if you do decide to use this technique. I’m currently building up my list of emails and getting to know each of the bloggers I will be sending the emails to before I put this technique into action on my blog.

Friday, May 11, 2007

How to Earn 5 Figure From Adsense

Earning 5 digits income from Google AdSense per month. Is this possible?
The answer is "Yes". There are some people earning 5 digits income from Google AdSense per month or some earn even more.For example:If we aim for 5 digits income per month from Google AdSense, we first aim for $10000.00 which is the lowest in 5 digits.

Calculation:$10000.00/30days = $333.33 per day.We will need to earn $333.33 per day to get $10000.00 per month. This is quite impossible to archieve. This is a tips from an AdSense PRO who earn 5 digits of income per month from Google AdSense. Follow it carefully:It is very hard for us to predict how much we can earn from Google AdSense per month but we can track what is really helping our site to perform well in AdSense.

1. Visitors Response to the ads:You will need to pick the topic you want to write very carefully. You will need to consider whether your visitors will click on the Ads showed on your site. For example: You wanted to put Ads on a Gaming site. This site will not perform well in AdSense as all the visitors to your site will tend to spend more times playing games and they probably will not even notice the Ads. So, Choose topic carefully before you start AdSense.

2. Ad format:Ad format is important. There are some types of format that don't perform well. For example, Leaderboard and banners are not a good choice for AdSense Ads forma. This two formats are generating low earning according to statistic of Google. Large Rectangle and Skycrapper format are performing quite well. So, you can consider using these two formats in your site. You can try out different formats and track each format using Channels.

3. Smartpricing:This is a big question mark about AdSense. This is their Secret . No one really knows how Google AdSense will priced the Ads on your site. It affect the price of Ads on your site very much. Google will tend to place the higher price Ads first.For example:The advertiser paid for $1.00/click. If your site is smartpriced then the cost per click may be lowered by Google($0.50). This means that they pay you less for every clicks.Here is Google's explanation of smart pricing
Original Article From http://earnmoneyfromblog1.blogspot.com

Blogger Salaries! WOW!

Stumble upon this site that claim she had done research on some of the Blogger and Webmaster Salaries. Personally I think this is some good info and news for those who really want to venture into this. Go through each of them and you might find something usefull for yourself. Enjoy.

Paula's List of Blogger and Webmaster Salaries
Blogger, Webmaster or Website Estimated Annual Income
Source Link
1 - Markus Frind
$3,650,000.00 Paula's List Source

2 - David Miles Jr. and Kato Leonard of FreeWebLayouts
$1,200,000.00 Paula's List Source

3 - Jason Calacanis of Weblogs
$1,095,000.00 Paula's List Source

4 - Tim Carter of AsktheBuilder.com
$511,000.00 Paula's List Source

5 - Rosalind Gardner
$436,797.00 Paula's List Source

6 - Steve Pavlina
$365,000.00 Paula's List Source

7 - Matther Daimler and wife of SeatGuru.com
$360,000.00 Paula's List Source

8 - Joel Comm
$281,501.52 Paula's List Source

9 - Jose Ribeiras
$240,000.00 Paula's List Source

10 - Sharon Maguire of DogBreedInfo.com
$237,250.00 Paula's List Source

11 - Al at Self-Made Minds
$153,921.24 Paula's List Source

12 - John Chow
$140,431.92 Paula's List Source

13 - Max Goldberg of YTMND.com
$133,262.64 Paula's List Source

14- Jane May of Career Ramblings
$124,465.00 Paula's List Source

15 - ProBlogger Darren Rowse
$120K - $1.20 Million Paula's List Source

16 - Jeremy Schoemaker of ShoeMoney.com
$120,000.00+ Paula's List Source

17 - Shawn D. Hogan at DigitalPoint.com
$120,000.00 Paula's List Source

18 - Chris Lawrence of Top Hat Weddings
$120,000.00 Paula's List Source

19 - Yaro Starak of Entrepreneur's Journey
$78,594.00 Paula's List Source

20 - Connected Internet
$77,020.20 Paula's List Source

21 -Erin Pavlina
$60,000.00 Paula's List Source

22 - Woot, Inc.
$54,750.00 Paula's List Source

23 - Tim Flight of GPS Review
$50,000.00 Paula's List Source

24 - Andrew Leyden of PodcastDirectory.com
$40,000.00 Paula's List Source

25 - Blog Talks
$36,735.60 Paula's List Source

26 - Robert Hoskins of bbwexchange.com
$36,000.00 Paula's List Source

27 - Mubin Ahmed
$32,196.00 Paula's List Source

28 - Tyler Cruz
$22,984.99 Paula's List Source

29 -MenJ at Critical Thoughts, Brutally Honest
$14,046.84 Paula's List Source

30 - Adam Dempsey's Blog
$13,672.80 Paula's List Source

31 - MenthiX (per comment on Adam Dempsey's blog)
$12,051.84 Paula's List Source

32 - Matt Coddington of Net Business Blog
$12,000.00 Paula's List Source

33 - Michael Brougham of Soul Mate Find
$12,000.00 Paula's List Source

34 - Maybach
$12,000.00 Paula's List Source

35 - Robert L. Kuhn of Findadate.com
$12,000.00 Paula's List Source

36 - Jeff Jarvis of Buzz Machine
$12,000.00 Paula's List Source

37 - Paula Neal Mooney
$12,000.00 Paula's List Source

38 - Business Logs
$9,000.00 Paula's List Source

39 - Working Nomad
$8,928.00 Paula's List Source

40 - Nikolai of CBTrends
$8,400.00 Paula's List Source

41 -LeftBlank
$6,610.08 Paula's List Source

42 - Bev at I'm Living in Hormoney
$6,000.00 Paula's List Source

43 - How to Earn Money Blogging
$4,995.64 Paula's List Source

44 - Lazy Man and Money
$4,707.96 Paula's List Source

45 - Courtney Tuttle
$3,516.12 Paula's List Source

46 - Mike's Money Making Mission
$83,970.12 Paula's List Source

47 -Earn Money Online
$3,944.16 Paula's List Source

48 - All Tips and Tricks Exposed
$2,316.00 Paula's List Source

49 - Nomar at King Nomar
$2,229.00 Paula's List Source

50 - Live Learn Invest
$1,752.00 Paula's List Source

51 - Ontora
$1,728.60 Paula's List Source

52 - Kumiko Suzuki
$1,724.07 Paula's List Source

53 - Crazy Hamster - A Student's Blog
$1,385.28 Paula's List Source

54 - Andrew Rouhafzai at A2 Network Webmaster Blog
$1,242.72 Paula's List Source

55 - Genius Types
$1,163.64 Paula's List Source

56 - Derek Semmler
$1,102.20 Paula's List Source

57 - Kevin Vahey of Charlie on the MBTA
$1,000.00 Paula's List Source

58 - The Anand's Ripples
$851.28 Paula's List Source

59 - M3
$849.00 Paula's List Source

60 - Dollar James
$479.88Paula's List Source

Spot any inaccuracies with my estimated blogging/webmastering salaries?

Source : Paula

Tools to Blog

Below are some blog tools that I think might be usefull to some of us. Give it a TRY and let me know how is it. Thanks.

Statistics Packages and Metrics Tools
• Sitemeter
• Google Analytics
• My Blog Log
• WebAnalyse
• Performancing Metrics
• AWStats
• Mint
• Extreme
• Webalizer
• Stat Counter
• Measure Map
• Slim Stat

Blog Editor Tools
• Ecto for Mac and Windows
• Qumana
• BlogJet
• Zoundry
• w.bloggar
• Blog Desk
• Post2Blog
• Performancing for Firefox
• Mars Edit

News Aggregators and News Sourcing Tools
• Bloglines
• FeedDemon
• Technorati
• Google Reader
• Website Watcher
• BlogPulse
• Blogarithm
• Topix
• Blog Bridge
• Grazr• Rojo
• Memeorandum
• NewsGator Online
• Net News Wire

Email Subscription Tools and Newsletter Services
• FeedBlitz
• Zookoda
• Aweber
• Yutter
• RssFwd
• Feedburner’s Email Subscription Service

Blog Poll Tools
• Blog Polls.com
• Vizu
• Free Blog Poll
• Blog Poll
• Blog Flux Polls
• WP Polls

Other Blog Tools
• Pingoat – pinging service
• Pingomatic – another pinging service
• AudioBlogger – audio post to your blog via phone
• BlogRolling – a service to manage your blog roll
• Creative Commons – copyright protections service
• Feedburner – RSS tool that adds a variety of features to your blog’s RSS feed
• Picasa – find, edit and share all the pictures on your PC
• Flickr – Store and share your images - good way of hosting images if you don’t have a stand alone blog on your own domain.
• Flock – A browser that enables sharing and blogging from within it
• Copyscape – allows you to track down other sites that are stealing your content
• TalkDigger – ‘find, follow and join conversations evolving on the Internet.’
• Blog Flux – Stats, Pinging and Directory
• Backpack It – A place to organise your to do lists, notes, files, reminders and more - all online
• Basecamp – Like Backpack it (same people behind it) but great for collaboration on projects.
• Ice Rocket – Blog Search
• coComment – Keep track of the comments you leave on different blogs in a central place
• co.mments – Similar name to coComment but not to be confused with it - a way of bookmarking and following comment threads via RSS
• Gabbly – Add live chat to our blog posts (like real time comments combined with IRC)
• Del.icio.us – Social Bookmarking site - good for sourcing stories but also great if you get linked to on it to get traffic
• Digg – Another major Social Bookmarking site
• Only Wire – a bookmarklet that submits posts to multiple social bookmarking sites at once
• Odeo – a tool for recording and sharing audio/podcasting
• TagCloud – produces Tag Clouds for your blog from RSS feeds
• Indie Karma – a micropayment system for bloggers
• Tiny URL – Turns long URLs into tiny manageable ones
• Swicki – a new type of search engine that harnesses the power of a web community - sort of like a search engine and wiki combinedFilmloop – photo sharing
• Stock.xchng – Free Stock Photos
• Favicon Maker – allows you to make a favicon from a photo
• YouTube – a tool for putting video on your blog
• blip.tv – another video uploading tool

Do you know of other great blog tools? Feel free to share them in comments below.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Malaysian Earn Adsense Money

Found another site by Malaysian too that already started to earn some good Adsense Income back in 2005. This seem to be workable. This is the link http://www.kahsoon.com/2005/06/21/my-first-100-from-adsense/ This is interesting, just wondering how much are they making now.

Malaysia full time blogger

Visited this site by a Malaysian blogger that show us some tips and how he make it earning from blogging and currently is his full time jobs for 2 years already.http://www.liewcf.com/blog/archives/category/make-money-online/adsense-tips/

Adsense By Google

AdSense is an ad serving program run by Google. Website owners can enroll in this program to enable text, image and, more recently, video advertisements on their sites. These ads are administered by Google and generate revenue on either a per-click or per-thousand-impressions basis. Google is also currently beta-testing a cost-per-action based service.

Google utilizes its search technology to serve ads based on website content, the user's geographical location, and other factors. Those wanting to advertise with Google's targeted ad system may sign up through AdWords. AdSense has become a popular method of placing advertising on a website because the ads are less intrusive than most banners, and the content of the ads is often relevant to the website. Try it!.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Blogger Salaries

Anyone have any idea how much a blogger or webmaster can make interm of $$ in a month?. Well my first mission is to research on this. Will update the post once i got some hint.
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